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The First China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo opened in Changsha

Views: 171     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-06-28      Origin: Site

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The First China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo opened in Changsha

June 27 to 29, 2019, The First China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo opens in Changsha Hunan, which will held officially every two years in future. As a China largest ferrous sulfate manufacturer and exporters, Rech Chemical Co. Ltd feels proud of this event.

In the exhibition, 53 African countries as Nigeria,Egypt,South Africa,Tanzania,Kenya,Uganda,Angola,Ghana,Mozambique,Côte d'Ivoire,Niger,Senegal,Chad,Tunisia, and 7 international organizations such as International Trade Centre, The World trade Organization (WTO), the African Union, etc. participated. Among more than 1600 foreign guests, the deputy ministry officials are as more as 124 persons, ambassador 36 persons. Among more than 5600 domestic guests and representatives, there’re 33 officials above vice-ministerial position and 25 leaders of central state-owned enterprises, who came from 31 provinces, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, 8 financial institutions, 15 central state-owned enterprises and 127 subsidiaries state-owned enterprises domestic guest.

In addition, there will be about 3,500 buyers and professional visitors will attend the exhibition too, thus the finally attendance amount will high up to more than 10 thousands persons, that created an unprecedentedly China-Africa cooperative atmosphere

As an inland city of China, though Changsha don’t’ has geographic advantage than coastal city. Changsha hold this Expo right regularly for  some "Hunan China" reasons following:

For the firstly, Hunan China trade has a long trade history with Africa witnessed by sank Tang dynasty ship "Blackstone" loaded full of porcelain from TongGuanYao Changsha, which called “Maritime Silk Road”. 

For the secondly, as for both China and Africa suffered a colonial aggression before, China and Africa had established a deep mutual supporting and cooperation relationship in the struggle for national independence and seek for develop revitalization road. It is worth mentioning that the two Hunan local persons had made an indelible contribution between China-Africa friendship, one is The People's Republic of China (PRC) leading founder --MAO Zedong, the other is the father of hybrid rice--Yuan Longping.

Thirdly, since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Hunan has carried out official economy, trade, culture and people-to-people exchanges that combine high-level and non-governmental organizations in various forms. Since 2000, the investment and trade cooperation between Hunan and Africa has accelerated. Under the framework of China-Africa cooperation BBS, more than 50 African countries had made economic and trade relations with Hunan. With the initiative of China "One Belt And One Road", China has become the largest trading nation of Africa.

By the convenience, Hunan’s enterprises in engineering machinery, bridge construction of water conservancy construction, modern agriculture and mineral resources exploration and exploitation had make great success in the African market. At the same time, more than 350 kinds of agricultural products, tourism and other non resources products from African countries have been permitted to trade with China. Especially, Hunan’s products, services, technologys and engineering benefit Africa and make more than 20% growth on trade each year, thus also make mutual benefit.

As a China Ferrous sulfate manufacturer and exporter, Rech Chemical attaches great importance to develop the African market within our global marketing program. Now, ferrous sulfate in Africa is widely used in mine wastewater treatment, feed additive and fertilizer. A variety of different specifications of ferrous sulfate and packaging are applied in Africa already, such as ferrous sulfate monohydrate, ferrous sulfate pentahydrate, ferrous sulfate heptahydrate, on that our African ferrous sulfate customers shows great feedbacks.

 It’s a really good opportunity both for China ferrous sulfate manufacturer Rech Chemical Co. Ltd’s products as industrial grade ferrous sulfate, fertilizer grade ferrous sulfate and water treatment grade ferrous sulfate and for African friends to know more about China minerals manufacturers, China trace minerals manufacturers in China origin.

Anyway, China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo is held officially every two years in Changsha, and also Changsha has opened regular direct air line to Nairobi Kenya from June/12/2019. If African friends wanna buy China ferrous sulfate, just contact with Rech Chemical Co. Ltd and welcome to Chansha China! 





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