Views: 576 Author: VV Publish Time: 2016-07-27 Origin: Rongqing Chemical Co. LTD
This framework of ISO9001 certification is widely applied by more than 75 organizations in 161 countries/regions of the world, which is the world's most mature evaluation system by now. In zinc sulfate industry, Rech Chemical Co. Ltd is the first enterprise of Hunan who obtained this certification.
ISO9001 quality management system standard is one of the most influential standards issued by international organization for standardization (ISO). Since it’s launched, the widely application of the world had greatly improved and influenced the quality and the development of international trade. Only in China alone, there have been more than 310000 copies of ISO9001 certification that take up 30% of the global total, and China becomes the most ISO certificates country in the world. ISO9001 certification nowadays is widely applied in various fields of national economy in China and also plays a positive role in enterprise quality management and market competitiveness improvements.
That the enterprises who passed ISO9001:2008 certification means such enterprises have reached the international standard in the management integration system and could steadily provide customer satisfied and qualified products.
As a responsible zinc sulfate supplier with ISO9001 certification, you can freely buy our products as zinc sulfate without worries on quality and service from Rech Chemical Co. Ltd.