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The explosion in Arys Kazakhstan has affected transport routes to central Asia

Views: 18     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-07-04      Origin: Site

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The explosion in Arys Kazakhstan has affected transport routes to central Asia

Recently, Rech Chemical received urgent news from our ferrous sulfate carrier of central Asia line that: on June 24, 2019, Arys city in kazakhstan occurred emergency situation. In the military warehouse (ammunition depot), there was a powerful explosion and residents of the city were evacuated. Unfortunately, the explosion is expected to continue for several days.

At present, as the main transit point to Uzbekistan, Arys had not been contacted .As a result, cargos to five central Asian countries as Uzbekistan,Ttajikistan Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan, via Saryagash, Kazakhstan,are being held up. Subsequently, Rail freight transport time between Uzbekistan,Turkmenistan,Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan will be greatly increased.

At present, our ferrous sulfate sent to Kazakhstan,Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan such five central Asian countries from Rech Chemical China have been avoided this incident. Please all ferrous sulfate customers in these five countries inform this incident. Rech Chemical will continue to pay attention to.Follow-up international transportation time and event development.


Rongqing Chemical Co., Ltd
 Address: Sunshine 100,Yue Lu District,Changsha,Hunan,China.
Tel: +86-731-85864603 
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