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Brazil's harvest will stimulate ferrous sulfate fertilizer consumption

Views: 7     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-08-26      Origin: Site

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At present, Brazil's main crops as soy, corn, rice and cotton have entered a harvest. This is a good signal to domestic ferrous sulfate exporters.

Brazil's soybean, corn and rice planting area accounts for 91.2% of Brazil's total grain output. During 2012 ~ 2013 agricultural season, because of the suitable climate conditions and increased investment in agriculture by Brazil that greatly improve productivity, the yield of grain and oil have increased by 13% than those of last year and reach at 187 million tons. Among them, the production rate of wheat and soy crops respectively increase at 22% and 22% to be the largest items. Meantime, the domestic fertilizer delivery rate increased by 4% and pesticide sales growth rate increased by 14% over the previous crops planting year.

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Summer harvest can greatly stimulate agricultural fertilizer consumption, also may cause fertilizer prices slightly raise in next season. For ferrous sulfate export enterprisers, Brazil can draw more attentions on your world marketing in second half year.


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