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The keys to spray fertilizers effectively on greenhouse vegetables

Views: 648     Author: VV     Publish Time: 2016-07-29      Origin: Rech Chemical Co. LTD

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As the temperature in Autumn and winter decreased, greenhouse fertilization mostly apply zinc sulfate and other water-soluble fertilizers on spraying, so that it’s economy and remarkable effect. How to spray water soluble fertilizer in autumn winter season?

First of all, concentration of water soluble fertilizer should be appropriate. Too little or too much would impact effect. Micronutrient fertilizer suitable concentration: zinc sulfate solution for 0.05%~ 0.2%; 0.01% ~ 0.02% for copper sulfate solution; Ferric sulfate solution for 0.2% ~ 1%.

Secondly, spraying time shall be determined according to the different varieties of vegetables and micronutrient fertilizer varieties, generally in flowering spraying. Afternoon and the evening in cloudy or sunny day is the best for spraying.

Moreover, the plants demand little for micronutrient, so the spraying amount should be used according to the length of the vegetable growth period. It’s commonly advised to spray 2~4 times.

According to the above considerations for spraying zinc sulfate and other micronutrient fertilizers, the greenhouse vegetables planting could bring considerable economic benefits to farmers.


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