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The general application methods of manganese sulfate monohydrate

Views: 502     Author: VV     Publish Time: 2016-09-13      Origin: Rech Chemical Co. LTD

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In agriculture, the common manganese fertilizer generally refers to manganese sulfate monohydrate agriculture grade. The manganese sulfate produced by Rech Chemical Co. Ltd is highly appreciated by domestic and foreign customers for high water solubility and less impurity. Although plants require less micronutrient fertilizer, they are all indispensable. When manganese sulfate is applied in neutral or alkaline soil, it’s difficult to change into soluble form. Therefore, farmers usually adopt it in top dressing, seed soaking or foliar spraying.

Seed soaking concentrations of manganese sulfate is generally 0.1 ~ 0.2% for 8 hours; Seed mixing concentration of it is 4 ~ 8g each kilogram; In Top dressing: in the early seedling stage and reproductive growth, spraying concentration is 0.05 ~ 0.1% for the field crop, 0.3 ~ 0.4% for fruit trees, 750 ~ 1300kg for each hectares, usually 1-2 times in total. One note for you that 60~120 kg per hectare in seed manure is best mixed with ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, potassium chloride and other physiological acid fertilizer or calcium superphosphate fertilizer and organic fertilizer in order to reduce fixed soil.

Of course, if there is no manganese sulfate so far, farmers could consider manganese slag as basal instead with dosage of 150 ~ 300 kg/acre.


Rongqing Chemical Co., Ltd
 Address: Sunshine 100,Yue Lu District,Changsha,Hunan,China.
Tel: +86-731-85864603 
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Website: www.rqsulfates.com

Friendly links: China Manganese sulfate manufacturer
        Changsha Rongqing Chemical Co. Ltd specializing ferrous sulfate,manganese sulfate,zinc sulfate,magnesium sulfate and copper sulfate,which certified ISO 9001,FAMI-QS & finished EU REACH registration 
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