Views: 10 Author: VV Publish Time: 2016-07-19 Origin: Rech Chemical Co. LTD
If you do nothing else to your pecans trees, water them on a regular basis and apply zinc throughout the early growing season.
The easiest way is to apply zinc sulphate beneath your pecan trees, but this might not be the best way. Perhaps the best way to apply zinc is as liquid foliar spray. If you have only a tree or two, or if you have a whole orchard of young, small trees, you can use a small pump-type sprayer. If your pecan trees are larger, and you have a lot of them, a mechanical sprayer will be necessary to do the job sufficiently.
If you can't reach the top of your trees using a pump-type sprayer, standing on the ground, you might have to stand on the tailgate of a pickup truck tailgate. Zinc Sulfate can easily be found at most nursery and garden centers or feed and seed stores. Zinc sulphate dissolves well in water and a small amount goes a long way.