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Manganese deficiency symptoms and solutions for crops

Views: 500     Author: VV     Publish Time: 2016-04-26      Origin: Rech Chemical Co. Ltd

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Manganese sulfate plays an important role in the growth of crops, which can not be replaced by the major elements. The symptom of manganese sulfate deficiency will be embodied by crop’s leaves or their shoots. And manganese deficiency will affect the yield and fruit appearance. 
Signs of watermelon Mn deficiency include interveinal leaves turn yellow, the main vein is still green. Seeds will be aplasia and the fruit will get deformation.
How to correct manganese deficiency of watermelon?
The deficiency can be corrected by the following methods:
1. Applying manganese sulfate as base fertilizer 1-4kgs/667m2
2. Soaking seeds with 0.05%-1% manganese sulfates solution for 12 hours,or mix manganese sulfate 4-8g as seed fertilizer with seeds.
3. Applying foliar spray of 0.05%-0.1% manganese sulfate solution.
Usually, the interveinal area turns yellow but the vein keeps green. The dark spots will be appeared if Mn deficiency is severe and spots will be extended to the whole leave gradually.
This condition is usually found in soils with high pH.
The most common way to correct manganese deficiency of maize is to apply 1 kg manganese sulfate per 667m2 or spray 0.1% manganese sulfate solution one time in seedling stage and jointing stage separately.
Leaves of peanut suffering from manganese deficiency show interveinal area etiolated. And the veins remain green.
The condition can be remedied by the following three methods:
1. Applying manganese sulfate 1.5-3kgs/667m2.
2. Soaking seeds 12-24hours with 0.05%-0.1% manganese sulfate solution before sowing.
3. 30-50days after sowing to 15-20 days before reaping, during this period, spraying 0.1% manganese sulfate solution once per half month. And you can mix with fungicide if necessary.


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 Address: Sunshine 100,Yue Lu District,Changsha,Hunan,China.
Tel: +86-731-85864603 
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