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Magnesium sulfate ore on Mars

Views: 123     Author: VV     Publish Time: 2016-06-24      Origin: Rech Chemical Co. Ltd

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Do you know there is  magnesium sulfate ore on Mars?
Today, news from Baidu occasionally comes to my eyes that Opportunity discover bright bands of minerals on the Mars’s surface. The introduction in this news involves the magnesium sulfate.
Because my company engages in sulfate industry and produce magnesium sulfate, as long as I  catch the familiar things with my products, I want to know everything clearly .So I read the article carefully one more time . Through reading, I have known that minerals on the Mars discovered by Opportunity may be gypsum. However gypsum is formed by the function of water when settled. This discovery proved that water historically exists in rock fracture of surface of Mars. The opportunity also found that the bedrock ground contains magnesium sulfate and ferric sulfate mineral calcium composition. These substances formation also need the participation of water.
Now, you know, magnesium sulphate ore not only exist on the earth but also on Mars.


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Friendly links: China Manganese sulfate manufacturer
        Changsha Rongqing Chemical Co. Ltd specializing ferrous sulfate,manganese sulfate,zinc sulfate,magnesium sulfate and copper sulfate,which certified ISO 9001,FAMI-QS & finished EU REACH registration 
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