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How to treat the piglet pellagra disease?

Views: 378     Author: VV     Publish Time: 2016-07-26      Origin: Rech Chemical Co. LTD

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There are mainly two reasons for Piglets pellagra disease, one is caused by parasitic mites, and another reason is caused by the lack of one coenzyme in vitamin B. The former can be prevented by clearing up the piggery environment, the latter can be treat symptoms by adding feed grade zinc sulfate in pig feed.

The symptoms of pellagra disease: the sick pigs would rub or wipe hoof everywhere, even make it bleeding, hair removal, then the skin would crust and become thick. Skin crack and crack all harm to pig's growth and development.

The treatment for pellagra disease: If it’s confirmed that disease is caused by the lack of trace elements zinc, you can stir zinc sulfate 0.5 g ~ 1 g in each kilogram feed, ten days for a treatment period. If it is caused by parasitic mites, it’s needed insect to treat. Spay 2% trichlorfon solution on the sick body, every 4 ~ 5 days for a time.


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