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How to prevent eggplant from Fe deficiency?

Views: 42     Author: VV     Publish Time: 2016-05-10      Origin: Rech Chemical Co. Ltd

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Ferrous is not part of chlorophyll in the leaves, but it is one of the indispensable elements of chlorophyll formation. Ferrous sulfate deficient eggplant leaves show yellow or mesh yellow.
Fe deficient plant show yellowish diachyma and the main vein keeps green. If deficiency is severe, the whole new leaves turn to yellowish white. 

1. Study showed that eggplant chlorosis is relative to the weather. In rainy days with no evaporation, and carbon dioxide is not easy to extend in the air, so carbonate is formed and then this element will cause Fe deficiency. While in the sunny day, this deficiency will disappear automatically.

2.  Fe deficiency is also related to the temperature, according to the experts tips, eggplant should be growing at 18-24 centigrade. While there is only 8-10 centigrade in shed in the morning. So Fe deficiency occurred.
Agriculture grade ferrous sulfate is the best effective iron fertilizer to correct Fe deficiency. Applying ferrous sulfate by foliar spraying is recommended because Fe will transfer to insoluble high valence ferro in soil which can not be absorbed by root systems. Generally, the concentration of ferrous sulfate solution should be 0.2%-1.0%.


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