Alkaline soil is also called the calcareous soil, throughout the north and northwest semi-humid, semi-arid and arid areas. From these regional provinces to customers, Industry Grade ferrous sulfate heptahydratemainly used in adjust soil PH.
Calcareous soil containing calcium carbonate or calcium bicarbonate is the floorboard of the calcareous material such as soil and calcareous soil in highly saturated salt base, a neutral and alkaline reaction. How much containing calcium carbonate content in the soil, can affect the behavior of many heavy metal elements in soil environment. Such as cadmium in easy form difficult soluble hydroxide alkaline soil, and lower toxicity. Heavy metals such as chromium, cadmium in alkaline soil environmental capacity than high in acid soil.
Iron deficiency: on the soil CaCO3 content is higher, iron deficiency is the main crop nutrition disorder miss green. Sensitive to iron suffer serious plants have apples, oranges, grapes, peanut, soybean, sorghum, and upland rice, etc. Some countries, such as iron deficiency is the sorghum.