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Additional Pecan Tree Growing Tips

Views: 12     Author: VV     Publish Time: 2016-07-20      Origin: Rech Chemical Co. LTD

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Additional Pecan Tree Growing Tips Is As Follows:
  • Put zinc applications as your top priority, or the only priority if you do nothing else. Zinc is cheap, easy to apply, and a must if you want your trees to produce an abundance of high-quality pecans

  • For best results, water your trees deeply prior to applications of fertilizer. Then, if there is no rain in the next few weeks to come, water lightly on occasion to dissolve the fertilizer. If there is no rain beyond the three week timeframe, resume a normal watering schedule. Beyond the three week timeframe, it will be necessary to resume a regular watering schedule to supply the needed moisture to your tree.

  • If you can afford to apply fertilizer like zinc sulfate at full strength (2 pounds per foot of height), do it.

  • If there is not sufficient rainfall, water newly planted pecan trees during the active growth season with 5 to 7gallons of water a week. In the second year up the amount to 10 to 15 gallons per week. In the third year, 15 to 20 gallons a week. From age 4 to 7, 40 to 50 gallons per week, and double that if there is prolonged drought during the Summer months. Water at least every two weeks if there is not sufficient rain.

  • A producing pecan tree of 7 years of age and older, can use up to 2,000 gallons of water a week during the hottest months of Summer if there is no rain. If there isn't a free source of water on your property for irrigation, you might want to think twice before starting an orchard!

  • Of course, you don't have to water a mature pecan tree to keep it alive, but don't expect a bumper crop of healthy nuts without it.


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